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A Guide to Write the Nursing Essay

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

nursing essay writing


A nursing essay acts as preparation for the students in the college to understand the way a medical journal is to be presented later for presentation in the healthcare or business conference. In this regard, effective guidance is required to be present to be presented to inform nursing students regarding the way they are writing a nursing essay for letting them develop better academic proficiency in comprehensively presenting nursing information in the future.

Steps to follow while writing a nursing essay 1. The first step, assignment writing is identifying a potential topic or question based on which it is to be developed. This is because a lack of intriguing topics would make the audience show a less keen interest in valuing reading the essay. For this purpose, as a writer, the nursing student is required to perform extensive research regarding various valuable topics of nursing present in their field of interest and choose among them. In choosing the topic, the nursing student is required to understand that effective rationale is to be presented later and therefore, the proper reason for choosing the topic is to be identified at the beginning. The second step to writing a nursing essay is catching a detailed understanding of the question or topic based on which it is to be written. This is because it would help the nursing students to craft an acceptable essay in the end with valid points which thoroughly explain the topic. Moreover, during the understanding of the topic, the students are to identify key terms and themes on which they are to focus more as they serve as the indicator to present a well-developed essay for the chosen topic. For example, if the essay is a comparative finding of two interventions, key variables to be considered in presenting their similarities and dissimilarities are to be mentioned.

3. The third step includes performing detailed research in gathering wider information regarding each aspect of the topic on which the question focuses in writing the essay. The nursing students are required to have knowledge of different electronic platforms to be used and keywords to be focused in concentrating the search for the related topic in gathering effective information. An outline of the search is to be developed by the students for self-help in understanding the way important facts are to be found during the research in later writing the essay. The analysis of the gathered data is to be made to develop an effective explanation of the gathered information in the essay.

4. The fourth step is preparing a draft for the essay topic to mention the selected content to be presented and the way the essay is going to look after the inclusion of all major points. The temporary draft would act as part of the text where amendments or redrafting are to be made. After the draft, the key part of writing the essay mainly begins and the nursing students are to minutely follow those steps. 5. In writing the essay, the introductory session in the nursing essay is to be effectively written so that it captures the reader’s attention. In writing an intriguing introduction, effective background information regarding the topic is to be shared. This is because it provides an overview of the topic and helps the reader with the lack of idea regarding the topic to understand what is going to be informed in the study. The statement is to be written while writing the introduction. The thesis statement is the descriptive sentence that guides the readers regarding the way the data in the study is to be mentioned and the focus of the study. After introducing the topic, the rationale behind the choice of the topic is to be mentioned to let the reader understand the reason behind the current topic being specifically explored. After the introduction part, the body to be written in the essay is the essential ingredient as it contains all the explanatory points of the topic from various aspects to lead others to understand the facts. The content in the body is to be grammatically correct and is to be customised based on gathered information without copy-pasting any original content from existing articles or journals. The body of the essay is to be subdivided into different sub-headings and under them, information is to be shared in paragraphs. In the body of the essay, each section is to present a topic sentence to inform the subject to be discussed in the specified paragraph. In these parts, all arguments are to be effectively mentioned and critically analysed to present a well-informed help with nursing essay. Conclusion

In the end, the conclusion including a summary of the main points of the essay is to be presented. In the conclusion, the implication of the information and probable gaps if identified in the essay are to be highlighted along with recommendations to be mentioned regarding the topic. After writing the entire essay, effective proofreading is to be performed and editing is to be done to further present the information in a better way.


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