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How to structure a nursing essay in three easy steps?


In nursing, writing any essay regarding any nursing topic is challenging as well as rewarding because most of the time it pushes you to the extreme to perform research and show editing skills. Each young nursing students who eagerly wait for getting more knowledge about any topic enjoy writing nursing essays as it offers them the opportunity to explore different topics, cover interesting facts, or draw personal conclusions regarding certain aspects. Therefore, writing nursing essays act as a wonderful adventure for students most of the time to upgrade their skills. Good structuring of a nursing essay is important as it helps to systematically present data. Therefore, I am stating three key steps for writing an impeccable nursing essay.

Three easy steps while writing nursing essay

1. Introduction

The development of a good introduction is a necessary part of any nursing essay as it effectively sets up the way the argument is to be presented and what is to be expected from the reader. The key goal of the nursing essay introduction is to provide background regarding the topic, catch the attention of the reader, and present the thesis which is the central point of writing the introduction of the essay with a focused vision. An attractive introduction is written from the first sentence as it sets the tone for the entire write-up. Therefore, the writer must spend some time writing the introductory content in the essay with an enhanced hook. The use of long and dense sentences is to be avoided in the introduction. It is better if you initiate the introduction of the nursing essay in a clarified, concise, and catching manner that could spark the curiosity of the reader to read the essay while going through the first note. The hook is required so that the reader feels interested apart from the value of reading the article.

After the hook is created, remember to present a brief background of the topic in the introduction to let the reader understand what content the topic is being argued and presented. Based on the subject of the essay, the background is required to contain the outline of the debate about the topic, historical or geographical or social contextual view, relevant theories regarding the topic, and key terms. The information regarding the background of the topic is to be presented more broadly but is required also to be focussed which is relevant to the developed argument. In the introduction, you can write a few points which you will explain later as the interpretation and evidence for the points are later required to be explained in detail in the main body of the essay. The number of facts to be shared regarding the background of the topic is dependent on the topic itself.

The next phase in the introduction is presenting the nursing thesis writing or statement. This is because, after the background, it is time to narrow the topic so that the fact due to which the current essay is written can be highlighted. The thesis statement is never to be long and is required to write within one or two sentences. The most essential part of the introduction is the thesis statement as it is not just a statement regarding the key point of the essay, but a claim which needs evidential explanation. The goal is to effectively convey the position of the essay in a debate that explains the essay's central point. A brief structure of the essay is to be presented in the introduction so that the reader can have the map regarding the way information would flow related to the nursing topic.

2. Main Body

The nursing essay's main body must present a clarified and logical response to the raised problem or question regarding the topic in the article. It is essential that focused and connected paragraphs are used to frame further arguments. You are required to discuss the evidence in the essay's main body in detail. In this part, develop a personal writing style to present the key ideas of the study topic. The readers are required to be able to grasp the knowledge of the main idea in the essay by reading the first and last paragraphs. All the paragraphs are to provide new and updated evidence supporting the main idea of the nursing essay topic.

The writer requires to leave no point in planning the evidence for the essay and ensure the enhanced reference is included for the works used in framing the study. The paragraphs are required to reiterate the facts that are talked about regarding the topic in the class and the studies. You are required to be on high alert to ensure that the focus of the study topic does not changes and that each paragraph presents the facts in such a way that the progress of the information is shown effectively. You are to present enhanced arguments regarding the study topic to critically present the information in the essay.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion in the nursing essay is to be written by initially reading the introduction presented in the essay. This is to gather as well as remember the idea presented in the thesis statement to set the summary accordingly. The conclusion required summarising key points in the essay and how the raised queries are resolved. It is best if you could line the key points while writing the essay so that the facts could be refereed to quickly summarise them and present the conclusion.

The conclusion is not difficult to write and students consider it fun to be written in the end where minimum effort is required compared to writing other parts of the essay. However, remember that conclusion is never to be ignored as it contains equal value to the introduction of the essay. The purpose of the conclusion is not only to summarise key points of the essay but also to present the evaluation of the topic and inform personal impressions regarding the topic to connect closely with the readers. You should read the conclusion before the final submission of the essay like the other parts to ensure an effective nursing essay is submitted.


Writing a nursing essay is not an easy task or selecting any topic regarding a nursing essay, both are difficult for students. When students write a nursing essay they all know about good structuring and they also consider the above following steps while writing their essay.

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