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What is the best way to write a nursing case study assignment?


While writing the nursing case study assignment, the students need to know different processes and techniques that they can apply while presenting the case study. The case study assignment differs from the other types of nurse assignments based on its structure and academic writing style. The nursing students need to grab a clear idea of the necessary process and the structure that they can use for the case study assignment. The case study assignment needs a relevant case study that can be presented in the assignment. The case study must contain a patient who has a health condition which is the main aspect of the topic. Here we discuss some major aspects that nursing students need to follow while writing down any case study assignment.

Steps to follow while writing down any case study assignment

1. Select a case study

Case study selection is the priority for composing any case study assignment. For selecting a case study, nursing assignment needs to read their assignment guideline case fully and try to determine which types of the case study need to be used in the assignment. Case studies are of different types. In some case studies, the assignment required only the reflection on the nursing practices that we used during a particular event rather than focusing on the particular health condition of a patient.

On the other hand, in another type of case study, there is a discussion of the particular health condition of a patient and the management of the health condition. Generally, in the case of the case study assignment which is based on the effective management and prevention of a health condition, the nursing students need to choose a case study with a particular health condition.

For example, if the case assignment is about obesity management, then the nursing student needs to select a patient’s case where the patient suffers from obesity and is overweight. On the other hand, the nursing students also need to check whether there are any age group preferences in eth assignment criteria. In many assignment case studies, the nursing students have to select a particular age group of the patient. For example childhood obesity. Therefore, for composing a good case study, the nursing students first need to check which type of case study they need to select.

2. Maintain the appropriate writing style for a case study assignment

The writing style for composing a case study assignment is different from that of the other types of assignments. The case study assignment first presents an introduction. The introduction is also different from the normal introduction that is used in nursing coursework writing. The introduction of a case study assignment must discuss the health condition or the case of the patient and also mention the health assessment tools that are going to be used in terms of effective management and prevention of patients’ health condition.

After the introduction, the case study presents a patient’s health history. This segment is known as the case study. In this segment, the nursing students have to discuss the medical history, the health condition, the pain, and the current health condition of the patient. The case study allows the reader to understand which health condition is going to be discussed in this segment.

The case study segment discusses the health issues of the patient that patient is suffering from. The writing style of the case study assignment must be in an active voice. Basically, in the case of the reflective case study, past tense is used as the nursing student has to reflect on the past event that the nursing student has already gone through. Moreover, while using the case study, the nursing students must support each of the discussions as well as statements with proper evidence to reduce the risk of invalid content.

3. The evidence-based discussion

The nursing case study must contain evidence-based discussion which contains the necessary and relevant resources. The resources must address the necessary criteria that are mentioned in the case stud assignment guidelines. While selecting resources students need to check that all the literature is the latest and can be applied in a case study if the case study is about a particular health condition and its management the nursing students need to ensure that they select such literature that supports that health condition.

For example, if the health condition is CVD then the resources must be on the aspects of CVD. Nursing students must ensure that each of the statements in the analysis segment is backed up with the necessary and relevant resources.

4. The good academic structure

Students who pursue a nursing degree must be aware of the academic writing style for the nursing case study assignment, while writing a case study assignment students must use reflective theories and models if applicable. They need to make the necessary research study on the diverse reflective models to apply the suitable reflective models in their writing. The reflective model must be very relevant to the context of the case study.

The case study assignment needs to ensure that the reflective models that are used in the writing can be used by the nurse to manage and prevention of the health condition.

The reflection models must discuss how the nursing professional use the reflection mode in the health assessment to assess the health condition and the heat issues in the patients. The academic writing for a case study assignment must contain a discussion of the health condition a description of the health assessment tools, and the necessary promotion techniques that nursing professionals use to management of the health condition.


This is how nursing students can write down the good-scoring nursing case study assignment, however, also need to get the necessary advice and guidance from their teachers and peers regarding the writing of the case study, they also need to conduct important academic research on the research topic and on the case study to find out the necessary and applicable case study and apply to the assignment for presenting a good quality assignment.

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